An Organaization For Peoples Empowerment

Strength of Nabolok

Strengths of Nabolok:

  1. Long working experiences in coastal belt and recognition as a well reputed organization
  2. A standard and transparent financial management system
  3. A unified program management system
  4. Incorporation of beneficiaries in participatory planning process
  5. Capture and replicate learning from earlier programmes
  6. Organization resource
  7. Linkage and networks with stakeholders
  8. Initiatives with innovative ideas
  9. Skilled, motivated and committed manpower
  10. Ability to develop project designs utilizing participatory methods
  11. Accountability and transparency.
  12. Ability to analyze policy issues, assesses risk and conduct research
  13. Staff safety and security measure
  14. Skill in delivering high quality training and facilitation
  15. Organization Policy on major aspects
  16. Registration from four relevant department’s of government
  17. Emergency fund for supporting projects


Find Us

Head Office

House # 163, Road # 11, Nirala R/A
Khulna, Bangladesh
Contact Number: +8801711965593, +8801913254237;  +8801745822991
Web :

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