An Organaization For Peoples Empowerment

Rohingya Response – DRR Project

  Rohingya Response – DRR Project

 Background of the project

The refugee settlements are situated in high risk zone in the terms of landslides during monsoon. There are lack of roads and other essential social infrastructure within the settlement that hinders distribution of humanitarian assistance provided by WFP and others. To lessen the long and risky travel distances to reach the distribution points and for establishing good communication channels Nabolok worked on DRR activities through the Food Assistance For Assets (FFA) approach to implement “Deliver an Integrated Assistance Package in Cox’s Bazar” Project funded by World Food Programme (WFP) where vulnerable Rohingya refugees and host communities has been engaged in community-based risk mitigation and rehabilitation activities in exchange for cash. These DRR works are cover Disaster Resilience (Access & site improvement) and Cyclone Preparedness programme priority area mentioned in the proposal guideline at Ukhia upazila.

As per the agreement with WFP DIAP project , NABOLOK has completed all the assigned 10 DRR schemes in three  camps ( camp-17, camp-06 and camp- 2W ) and 5 DRR schemes at five cyclone shelters. During the project period of 6 months ( 1st December to  31st May,2019).

The overall objectives of the program were to Enhancing Disaster Resilience (Access & site improvement at Rohinga Refugee Camp and Rehabilitation of Cyclone Shelter in host community. In this project vulnerable Rohingya refugee and host communities has engaged community-based risk mitigation and rehabilitation activities in exchange for cash. The project has directly contribute to provision of cash, mitigation risk and improving access to food distribution sites, Improve and increase availability of food mitigation infrastructure along with increase community preparedness in terms of cyclone and flood  . Overall, implementation of program activities was consistent with the design of the program. All program activities were implemented in full within the duration of the program. During the 2nd phase (March to May,2019 )DRR schemes we excavated natural drain 154 meters; brick drains 520 meters and 14 meter retaining wall and culvert in camp # 17.  155 meters Brick stair and drains in camp #2W and 170 meters brick stair with 2 sides guide wall and drains in camp # 06. Through these 10 schemes directly benefited a total of 987 ( 9019 person days) by engaging them as CFW( Cash for Work) participants  amongst whom 47 (5%)were woman. These participants received a total 3.47 millon cash taka of which 0.176 million (5.07%) taka was received by woman participants. It is expected that this amount of CFW earned by directly which contribute in increasing household income this might have positive influence on the dietary diversity of the entire family.

The implementation of the schemes could be smoother without a few challenges like Majhi’s indirect involvement in project participant’s selection, use of duplicate FCN card, proxy of casual labours and agitation created by Maji dependent labours. Sufficient cooperation and assistance received from WFP in timely manner is truly praiseworthy the project period in addition to cordial support from CiC’s and site management agencies.

 Project Duration

December 2018 to February 2019


14391 Rohingya people and 600 host people

Major Activities and Success Factors:

  • Technical Knowledge on project Implementation, Timely start of work, Good planning, monitoring, forceful active team work and timely supply of logistics and financial support from NABOLOK make the scheme complete timely.

  • Labour selection as per guideline, RFMC formation, on the job training with project participants, timely CBT payment, ownership building.

  • Community received our work very positively, feel ownership and play very cooperative role that was make us easier to complete our work in time.

  • The provision of RFMC platforms brought community people close together, it made them work together to plan on regular basis, discuss their problems and collectively find effective solutions.

  • Community cooperation and participation in conflict minimize issue while develop unethical issues and undue demands raise from the community.

  • Safety security toolkits include some basic construction equipments, first aid apparatus that are used in the construction site were effectively utilized by the project participants; thus prevented many bad hazards.

  • Placement of experienced and dedicated staffs in the project was also a significant success factor. Also Strong technical support from donor agencies makes the p roject successful in time.

Enhancing gender equity and the empowerment of women in DRR work schemes:

  • Inclusion of women to playing participatory role at Refugee Food Management Committee (RFMC) contributed in project scheme selection and project participant selection from vulnerable families.

  • Increasing the participation of women in project implementation activities was focus for the program. Although in some cases it was challenging to meet targets due to cultural factors as well as Rahinghya communities are the more religious minded.

  • Women participating in project implementation they felt more confident. Now they contributing their CBT in daily household expenses which have empowered them in their family.

  • As women are usually at the greater risk of being affected from any disaster because of their greater vulnerability and marginalized status. Hence, inclusion of female representatives proved to be helpful in reaching a wider female audience in their camps.

Potential for complementarities with other Cooperating Partners

  • Networking with stakeholders is important. Successful project implementation is linked to the trust between the funding agencies, Development agencies, concern Site Management and CiC’s. This also was one of the key factor for the successful implementation at the camp level.

  • CiC coordination was given a wider platform to carry out our project activities at camp level where coordinated with GOB and other NGOs for their support prevent the overlapping, identifying the gaps, way forward the solution of the challenges make the project smooth implementation

WFP DRR schemes Implemented by NABOLOK

Nabolok implemented 15 different DRR schemes with the financial and technical supports of World Food Programme (WFP) in three Rohingya camps viz Camp#17, Camp #2W, Camp # 06 in Kutupalong, Ukhiya and 5 cyclone shelters located at host community that is  Ratnapalong and Holdia palong unions in Ukhiya Upazilla .

The DRR schemes are diversified in nature including 520 meter Brick drain with culvert, 154 meter Natural Drain with dike management, 14 meter Retaining wall with culvert and Renovation work at WFP funded nutrition centre operated by Save the Children at camp-17. 135 meter CC stair and 52 meter brick drain and Renovation work at WFP funded nutrition centre operated by ACF at camp-2W. 212 meter brick Stair with drain and 85 meter guide wall and Renovation work at WFP funded nutrition centre operated by MedAir at camp-06. Besides this, NABOLOK did renovation work at 5 cyclone shelters consisting of works ; Removal of Weeds, grasses and brushing infectious surface, Paten stone/ Cement Concrete on roof & floor, Removal and Re-plastering of loose and damp surface, General Crack repair, Door & Window repair/ replace, Removal rusting from mild steel materials, Distemper and Weather coated paint, Anticorrosive paint on mild steel surface, Secondary Herring Bone Bond access Road, Yard Development, Electrical Line Repairing includes switch, socket, SDB board etc, Provision for the disabilities, i.e ramp, Construction of Soak well and solar system installation.

Considering the local context and building camps on hilly terrain, it can be said that the WFP’s priority DRR schemes have high potential to reduce the risk of disaster for the local inhabitants including refugees. These DRR programme not only contribute to reduce disaster risks but also created opportunities for both refugees and host communities( both men and women) to have improved livelihoods and food security by engaging themselves in implementing the schemes. It is observed that more DRR schemes need to be implemented in various camps in order to reduce the risks of climate –induced hazards.

Glimpse of Interventions:


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