An Organaization For Peoples Empowerment

Cross Cutting Issues

Good Governance :

Good governance is the  transparent and accountable management of human, natural, economic and financial resources for the purposes of equitable and sustainable development, in the context of a political and institutional environment that upholds human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law’.  Nabolok believes that good governance is an integral part of any development initiatives and to establish people’s right, good governance and democracy is the prime requirement. So from the very beginning Nabolok took various steps to establish good governance in organization level and in the present socio-political structures. In order to give further focus to Good Governance, Nabolok follow some essential elements of good governance, which are: • assist to democratization including support to electoral observation (with an emphasis on participation and accountability) • Promotion and protection of Human Rights • Enhancement of the role of people and their capacity building •  Decentralization

Gender Equity :

Gender equity in access to resources, goods, services and decision-making in rural areas has been formulated in response to evidence that gender inequality exacerbates food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty. Gender disparities are deeply entrenched in policies, institutional and legal practices, households and social relations.  Gender Equity is another crosscutting issues of Nabolok.  Gender is therefore a cross-cutting issue that needs to be built into all aspects of policy formulation, programme and project planning, institutional structures and decision making procedures.  Nabolok believes to maintain gender equity and equality in its organization management system as well as beneficiaries level. As a part of women empowerment, Nabolok works for ensuring equal rights for women giving special attention in recruitment, posting, termination, leave, providing transport facilities,  equal participation of women in every sector, create friendly and right based environment and over all women friendly opportunity. Except this Nabolok works against Trafficking, dowry, divorce, polygamy, Gender based violence women in the organizational study areas and also provide advocacy on these social issues.

 Environmental sustainability:

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.  In this context, environment and natural resources are capital that must be maintained in order to support sustained economic activity. Protecting the environment thus preserves the very basis for development. Environmental sustainability refers to the need to protect biological and physical systems that support life (e.g. ecosystems, the hydrological cycle and climatic systems).  Environmental sustainability is one of the cross-cutting issues which needs to be integrated across all areas of decision making. This requires development planners to assess the environmental impact of all proposed policies, programmes and projects, and to take action to minimize the adverse environmental impacts and to take advantage of opportunities for environmental improvement.


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Head Office

House # 163, Road # 11, Nirala R/A
Khulna, Bangladesh
Contact Number: +8801711965593, +8801913254237;  +8801745822991
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