An Organaization For Peoples Empowerment

Climate Change Adaptation & Enhance Resilience to Hazards & Disasters

Cyclone Shelter and Flood Shelter Construction

For disaster period response Nabolok constructed a Cyclone shelter at SharonklonaUpazila of Bagerhat district with the assistance of DiakonieKatastrophenhilf, Germany. Nabolok also constructed a flood shelter at Charkataria union of Manikganj district.

Formation of Ward Disaster Management Committee (WDMC)

To strengthen local disaster management system Nabolok formed 108 Ward Disaster Management Committee (WDMC) atTalaUpazilaand RampalUazilaof SatkhiraandBagerhat district and strengthen up providing DRR to 320 trainings .These WDMCs strengthens the Union Disaster Management Committees.

Climate Change Advocacy

Network on Climate Change, Bangladesh (NCC,B) has planned to contribute to enhance better governance of national climate funds, justice and equity in the policies, capacities local government bodies and the community to develop the Local Adaptation Plans (LAPs) in their respective locality,  to raise peoples voice on several climate change related issues. NCC,B has successfully created a strong platform for lobby-advocacy both in the national and international level. NCC,B has developed twelve district advocacy forums and one national advocacy forum On the basis of this experience, with the representation of civil society members. The network has also implemented a number of seminars, press conference, workshops both in national and international level. The quarterly news bulletin, ‘Southern Voice’ has given an opportunity of regular intervention to the parliament members, media people and government officials and other civil society members.

CRA, RRAP and CDMAP Preparation

Total 72 community wise Disaster Risk Management plans for TalaSadar and Kholilnagar union were prepared by the community people through the disaster risk management sessions.

House Fortification

To safe-guard the beneficiaries’ flood resistant houses were promoted with project support and beneficiaries contribution for land filling inside the house, material carrying and rendering own labor. Total 100 helpless widow and hardcore poor women headed families of Talaand RampalUpazila supported by the SCFRR project. This fortified raised house protected them during the flood & cyclone and make those families flood resilient.


Latrine &Tube Well Installation

Getting access to safe water during flood time is hard because most of all the sources of water go under water.  Newly constructed Tube well adjacent to the flood shelter will provide safe drinking water that will protect them from various water born diseases. As safe drinking water crisis become worse during floods Nabolok provided total 26 tube-wells atTalaSadar union and Kholilnagar union. The plinths of each tube-well are raised above the flood water level to save from flood water.Nabolok also provided 50 sanitary latrines.

Livelihood Support/Floating/Container gardening and Poultry rearing for Women Members

As livelihood support Nabolok provided cattle to 66 widow and poor families at TalaUpazila. At RampalUpazila25 women members were trained on Floating/Container Gardening and Poultry rearing as adaptive measures.

Earthen Mounds

NABOLOK constructed earthen mounds that can be used as shelters of livestock during the flood time. The mounds can also be used for protect fire woods and others valuable commodities of flood victims. The project along with UDMC members planned to fill up the ground of Ezhar Ali High School of TalaupazilaSatkhira. The length of the ground is 155 ft. and width is 109ft. that ground have filled up with sand and soil until the height become 4.5ft.


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Head Office

House # 163, Road # 11, Nirala R/A
Khulna, Bangladesh
Contact Number: +8801711965593, +8801913254237;  +8801745822991
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